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Sony is defensive with the PS5 - and that is a wise clay train

Sometimes defense can be the best insult.

Recently I asked what Sony is waiting when it comes to presenting the PS5, since we are almost finished with February. While the console should come to the market again this year, Sony is surprisingly restrained when it comes to sharing details about it. In a sense, however, the question was already answered by Financial Officer Hiroki Totoki. During the financial lettering of Sony he talked to investors and said Sony did not know the price for the PS5 because they wait for Microsoft to show their hand first.

To be honest, nobody needs Sony to reveal the price of the PS5. For most consoles, the price will not be announced in the publication. Instead, the hardware, controllers, system functions, etc. are displayed. The price announcement comes much later. But this statement by Totoki gives us an insight into Sony's thinking - you do not want to be the first to go.

This is in line with the way Sony is dealt with the most of his life with PlayStation, and it has been successfully brought to them. Sony was waiting for Sega to play her hand with the Saturn before choosing the carpet with the announcement of a much cheaper console with far-conscious hardware and a uniform starting strategy compared to Segas Slapdash approach for everything. Sony waited for Sega with Dreamcast fired the last balls in his chamber before rejecting the ghost of this console with the promise of the PlayStation 2 completely. Sony was waiting for Nintendo told the 3DS and its prices before they announced that much more powerful and attractive Vita would be available for the same price. And lately, Sony Microsoft had to be fooled during the Xbox One Revelation, before it started and the clarity of the view and the design of the PS4 (by the way was also cheaper) to win the masses for themselves.

This strategy has always worked with Sony, with the only exception that Nintendo subdued the Vita to secure the handheld market before she had the chance to get started, and Sony's portable ambitions finished for all.

Apart from the Vita Sony has always had success with this strategy. The PlayStation dominated the competition. The PlayStation 2 is the best-selling console of alle time every day. The PS4 ruled at the top of the market and had no real challenger until Nintendo had to restart his entire brand with the switch.

In fact, the few times, the Sony has announced with what she's projects with her hardware project, it has not run so well for her, as the early revelations of the PS3 only confuse and antagonize a whole series of people. While Sony also waited with the PS3 to announce the price until the Xbox 360 had already started, the early announcement and the details that Sony said about the console had already triggered a cloud of doubts and concerns about the system, which went to E3 2006 when the infamous $ 599-dollar moment passed.

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At the end, Sony turned the PS3 of course and it was ultimately a great console, but that was associated with high costs for you. It is estimated that the PS3 in single-handed all winnings that Sony has achieved with the PS1 and the PS2 has destroyed. _Trotz The PSP, which then recoiled money. So much financial hole was this system.

And that brings us to the core of the matter with the PS5. Totoki noticed that Sony intends that the PS5 is profitable over its entire life. This means that Sony is at least not plans to sell it for a big loss at the start (as it would be more difficult to bring the console into the black numbers when it is introduced at a low price, even if economies of scale are taken into account). And at best, plan to sell it over the cost.

But what they do not know is what Microsoft could do here - Sony was completely undercut by an aggressive Microsoft, who sold a cheaper Xbox 360 and managed to take a large part of the success of PlayStation. For example, if Sony wants to sell the PS5 for $ 499, but in an attempt to be aggressive, the X wants to rate the X with $ 399, Sony is in the same situation as Microsoft in 2013 - or Sony itself Was in 2006. For the mass market of the majority of people who buy consoles and usually use only to play FIFA, MADDEN, GTA, FIFA of mandatory, and ering of an assassin The most important element in deciding which console is to be purchased is the price. If Sony has the more expensive system on the market, Microsoft will appeal to this audience at the cost of Sony and significantly improve its installation base.

On the other hand, Sony can not prevent this scenario by rated the PS5 favorably. For example, if you decide to sell the PS5 for $ 399 to prevent Microsoft from having the price advantage, but Microsoft rated the X for $ 499 to $ 499, Sony has shortened your profits without any reason. And while Microsoft, a trillion dollar company that has _ only_ began to take video games seriously, can take great hits per sold hardware unit, Sony can not. According to the CFO's own information, the PS5 should be profitable over its entire service life. Sony may now be healthier than in the PS3 era and a slimmer and slimmer company, but if you get into a financial war with the richest company in the world, they would lose - as well as almost with the PS3, a huge amount of money to to lose.

The decision of Sony to wait, so makes sense. There is really no big hurry. Not for the price, not even for the publication of the console later this year. This is a company that has developed the strongest console game brand in history - you know what you do, just like Fanboys on the Internet want to see your newest and biggest creation NT.

You could argue that this reveals a defensive mindset of Sony - but you see it is to be defensive is not a bad thing. In most cases, it is exactly the opposite. Sony has proven that for 25 years, and you will soon do that again.

Note: The views expressed in this article are that of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Gamingbolt as an organization and should not be returned .


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